Sravani's story: HIPPY taught me skills Earlier this year, HIPPY parent Sravani and daughter Harshitha completed their 60-week HIPPY programme. It marked an incredible achievement for the many whānau whose only experience of HIPPY had been during the two years of a pandemic which created uncertainty and presented multiple challenges. . HIPPY parent Sravani and daughter Harshitha . In December 2020, Sravani attended a presentation of the HIPPY programme delivered by Christine, a HIPPY Tutor, at Safari Multicultural Playgroup. After seeing some sample HIPPY resources, Sravani could not wait to sign up and schedule the first home visit from Christine. During the earlier stages, Sravani struggled with reading the workbooks because English is her second language. However, she did not give up, and she had amazing tutors who went above and beyond to support her. As they progressed, Sravani became more confident with her English and more comfortable with the roleplay. Sravani said that participating in HIPPY taught her many skills about educating Harshitha, preparing her for school, and supporting her learning and development. Harshitha loves to learn, especially by reading story books and counting. She also highlighted her relationship with her tutors, expressing appreciation for their help with the HIPPY activities, as well as sharing parenting tips. . HIPPY story books . At HIPPY group meetings, Sravani was able to meet other HIPPY families and parents and socialise with them. She particularly enjoyed the enrichment workshops with themes including healthy homes, cooking sessions, and getting to know different cultures. Sravani also had the opportunity to take the lead and co-host the Indian Henna Group Meeting. Graduation is always warmly celebrated for whānau, but it was all the more special during this period as it marked an incredible achievement for the many whānau whose only experience of HIPPY had been during the two years of a pandemic which created uncertainty and presented multiple challenges. Sravani and Harshitha, congratulations!