In the last quarter (1 October – 31 December 2022), we were grateful to receive support and contributions from our donors, sponsors, funders, regular givers, and supporters to make our work possible.



We also want to say a big thank you to Paeroa Homestead Trust, Andrews Property Trust, Zonta Club of East Auckland, Trimble Navigation New Zealand, Kotuku Trust, and other donors as below:

  • Stephanie Markson
  • Craig Lindberg
  • Leonie Freeman
  • Allan and Carilyn Fraser
  • Elizabeth Stone and Martin Shepherd
  • Saul and Abie Petraska
  • Gillian Willoughby
  • Keith Berman and Mary Tietjens


The support has meant essential contributions towards our three life-changing education and support programmes and allows us to continue doing our best to support children, young people and families.

“MATES is doing such a great thing to spark interest for the students and let them know what opportunities are out there for them." - Gemma, MATES Mentor.

“We love HIPPY as this programme has shown us that no one can teach the basics better than a child’s own parent, and HIPPY teaches parents to teach their children." - a HIPPY dad

"I feel blessed with whānau sharing stories of their lives with me. Sitting alongside them while they find their strength and seeing them grow in their self-awareness journey is rewarding." - Sophie, Counsellor at Papakura Family Service Centre

“A leader is like a teacher and a good leader is kind, shows respect, works with the team and is a good role model. That is what I want to be."- Selau, Year 5 student at Red Hill Primary School